Saturday 10 May 2014

6B Inquiry tools

Even though all four inquiry tools have their merits, having chosen my topic it's become evident which shall be the appropriate tools to use.

The nature of my topic and the specific results I hope to achieve narrows down my options. I require performers past experiences to gather data in order to anaylse and form a collective view. This will mean being interative in some way with groups or individuals asking them specific questions to gain relevant answers. To gather this information will rely on communication which leads to interviewing being a major tool.

The picking of your most appropriate tools is very much influenced by the topic you choose and the questions you need to ask. To gather info on the effects of rejection on performers I could watch how they react to certain situations but that would be very difficult to arrange and I could interpret their emotions incorrectly so the observation technique isn't an option for this type of inquiry. When it comes to emotional and psychological aspects you need interaction with people willing to help by expressing their views or re-calling past experiences which is the case in regards to my inquiry. I think the observation method is best suited for comparison of techniques or group responses. One could gather info on physicality or certain effects situations have rather than accurately determining emotional content.

Much the same applies for the insider research option. It relies heavily on one's employment situation and chosen topic of inquiry. I'm currently not in a position to conduct such a method and fortunately it's not necessary in regards to my topic. This technique would offer no real, clearcut evidence or answers that would help me determine the effect rejection has on performers. 

Using interviews as a tool enables me to ask specific questions tailored to extract the necessary information I require. It also gives me the opportunity to develop those questions during the process if the case arises because it lends a certain flexibility to the situation. Interviewing performers will result in both qualitative and quantative data which in turn will help me determine the best results. 
I will send out a questionnaire to help gather this info but understand that the reponse percentage is poor. However the questions asked will be highly beneficial to the inquiry and the end results.    

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